Yield development and humus development via reduced soil tillage and organic fertilisation measures (green manuring and organic fertilisers)

Topic area
Agriculture and forestry, incl. value chain

Disaggregation level
EIP European Innovation Partnership
Climate change adaptation

Project region
Lower Austria

LE– Programming Period
LE 14–20

Project period

Project costs overall

EN - 16.02.1. Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung neuer Erzeugnisse, Verfahren & Technologien der Land-, Ernährungs- & Forstwirtschaft

Project initiator

Short description

The project of the OG-BIOBO researches innovative strategies for yield and humus development via reduced soil tillage and organic fertilisation measures (green manuring and organic fertilisers).

Point of departure

The focus of organic arable farming is on the preservation and/or the development of high soil fertility. The better soil fertility is developed on a site, the better are stress tolerance and resilience vis-à-vis weather conditions. A decisive measure for the promotion of soil fertility is, among other things, a saving type of soil management, which goes also hand in hand with other advantages such as the optimisation of fertilisation, the reduction of erosion and increased biodiversity. In order to make use of the advantages of a reduced, saving soil tillage in organic farming without losses in yield it has to be further developed and adapted to the respective soil and site conditions. New insights into reduced soil tillage shall be gained within the framework of the project of OG-BIOBO by means of practical experiments, precision experiments and intensive exchange of experience in the group. They shall serve as a basis of information for organic farmers with experience concerning reduced soil tillage as well as for organic farmers interested in a conversion of their soil tillage.

Targets and target groups

The objective of OG-BIO is to develop and assess approaches to solutions for the implementation of reduced soil tillage in connection with green manuring measures and organic fertilisation contributing to a long-term increase in yield and incomes. With optimised growing systems contributions are made to erosion, climate and resource protection, soil quality and biodiversity shall be promoted and the adaptive capacity of the systems with respect to climate change shall be improved. The main target group of the project is organic farms, but also conventional farms can profit from the results of the project.

Project implementation and measures

The operational group consists of organic farmers and consultants and is supported by scientists, stakeholders, and NGOs (WWF Österreich) as well as by partners from the economy and from industry (SPAR). Within the framework of the project on-farm experiments are carried out on several organic farms. The experimental question is adapted to the respective farm and/or to the prevailing site and/or framework conditions there.

Results and effects

The expected result of OG-BIOBO is gaining new insights in the development and measurement of alternative procedures in arable farming by means of exchange of knowledge and experience on the topic of reduced soil tillage within and outside the operational group.