Bird protection measures in selected project areas in Tyrol

Topic area
Environment, biodiversity, nature conservation

Disaggregation level
Nature conservation
Knowledge transfer

Project region

LE– Programming Period
LE 14–20

Project period

Project costs overall
53.492 €

Subsidy from LE 14-20
39.992 €

EN - 7.6.1. a) L Studien und Investitionen zur Erhaltung, Wiederherstellung und Verbesserung des natürlichen Erbes - Naturschutz

Project initiator
Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung, Abteilung Umweltschutz

Short description

The aim of the project is to set targeted measures to protect farmland bird species in selected areas where favorable populations of the species are still present.

In cooperation with BirdLife Tyrol, 37 agricultural areas in Tyrol have been defined for this purpose, in which good populations of grassland-, hedge and tree trunk breeders are still known. The main target species defined were whinchat, tree pipit, skylark, ortolan, corncrake, quail, red-backed shrike, hoopoe, wryneck and common redstart.

Point of departure

In Austria, the mainly ground-nesting bird species of agricultural landscapes are particularly affected by declines. This is shown by recent results of the EU Birds Directive with a comparatively high proportion of species with negative population trends in cultivated landscapes in Austria. A similar picture shows the interim result of the breeding bird atlas in Austria. Here, massive declines in the occurrence of ground-breeding bird species of agricultural landscapes such as whinchat or skylark have been observed since 1980.

This is especially true in Tyrol. The whinchat has disappeared in the last 20 years from most of the original areas of the lowlands. Particularly the intensification of grasslands and partly also the abandonment of land are blamed for the declines in ground-nesting bird species.

Targets and target groups

Within selected bird project areas, farmers are being contacted in a targeted way and informed about the needs of ground- and hedge breeding bird species. The environmental measure within the Austrian Agri-environmental Programme is to ensure that as many areas as possible are managed in conformity with bird conservation standards. To this end, new funding contracts are concluded and existing ones adapted if necessary.

The aim is to maintain or create as many extensively cultivated areas for the birds as possible and to support their breeding success. At the same time, the public will be informed about the measures.

Project implementation and measures

Within the scope of the project, a survey of deficits in the agricultural habitats of farmland bird species was carried out and the need for action was defined. Various information activities are constantly being carried out to communicate the objective of nature conservation promotion to the general public and to increase participation in bird conservation measures. Agricultural holdings are advised on bird protection measures and support options.

Results and effects

The bird protection measures contribute to improving the knowledge about farmland bird species habitats that are worth protecting and to raising awareness of nature conservation objectives. Farmers in the relevant regions will be informed about the existing bird species and their needs, with the aim of implementing targeted management measures to safeguard the populations of farmland bird species.