Conservation of the orchard tradition - a potential analysis

Topic area
Agriculture and forestry, incl. value chain

Disaggregation level
Site development

Project region
Upper Austria

Local Action Group (LAG)
LAG Mostlandl Hausruck

LE– Programming Period
LE 14–20

Project period

Project costs overall

Subsidy from LE 14-20

EN - 2.1.1. a) Inanspruchnahme von Beratungsleistungen - Landwirtschaft

Project initiator
Genussregion Hausruck Birn-Apfel Most

Short description

The landscape of the “Genussregion - Hausruck pear-apple-juice region” and the LEADER region “Mostlandl Hausruck” is characterised by a variety of fruit orchards. The must is part of our culture and some farmers have specialised in the production of juices, must and cider. This LEADER project shall assess the current situation, identify potentials and risks that are furthermore to be communicated. Moreover, first measures which support the long-term preservation of the cultural landscape are to be developed.

Point of departure

In its local development strategy, in the field of action 2, the LEADER region “Mostlandl Hausruck” has the issue of "conservation and expansion of the regional orchards" as topic.

In the past, a number of initiatives have already been taken at regional level in order to stop the negative trend. The Environment Agency Austria, the HBLA&BA for wine and fruit growing in Klosterneuburg and the consortium "ARGE Streuobst" have proposed this project, which is to be implemented as a module. The “Genussregion”, together with the LEADER Region, has implemented a potential analysis as an important step for further developments and joint measures.

Targets and target groups

The aim of the project is to carry out an analysis and to find measures that serve to preserve the cultural landscape. The target groups are must and juice producers, farmers, direct marketers as well as people interested in the conservation of the cultural landscape.

Project implementation and measures

The defined measures to be implemented are divided into 3 sections:

1. Characterisation of regional fruit growing culture within the “Genussregion”. Establishment and extension of the network. Comprehensive potential analysis with single interviews.
2. Regional workshops based on the results of the potential analysis. Definition and identification of measures of implementation.
3. Project workshops

Results and effects

Awareness on the current situation among the participants was raised.
During the workshops different areas of activity where highlighted and alternative solutions were elaborated. Further project meetings have already been held.