Establishment of a wine cellar as well as acquisition of wine cellar equipment

Topic area
Agriculture and forestry, incl. value chain

Disaggregation level
Business management
Direct marketing

Project region

LE– Programming Period
LE 07–13

Project period

Project initiator
Claus Preisinger GmbH und Preisinger Claus

LE 07-13 information

Themenbereich (Untergliederung): Landwirtschaft und Markt (Betriebswirtschaft und Effizienz, Direktvermarktung)
Maßnahme: M123

Short description

Construction of a wine cellar building with appropriate production (including wine press house, etc.) and storage areas (including bottle store, barrique store, etc.), sales room and office as well as acquisition of wine cellar equipment (tanks, refrigeration, wooden fermentation casks, wooden barrel, etc.)

Point of departure

Due to lacking production and storage capacities (too small production and storage facilities which cannot be extended) and partly lacking technical equipment the quantities demanded by the market cannot be supplied in spite of possible extensions of the additional purchase of grapes (areas are mostly only secured by oral contracts).

Targets and target groups

Improvement of production procedures, the working and the hygienic conditions as well as the creation of additional production, storage, and sales capacities (among others sales and tasting room) in connection with the planned turnover expansions.

Project implementation and measures

No severe problems.

Results and effects

Project successfully implemented.