26. September 2018, 08:45–18:00

Preconference “Evaluation of Gender Equality in Rural Development Programmes” and the workshop of the “Research network on Economic Experiments for the CAP” (REECAP)

Topic area
Rural & forest
Environment & climate
Leader & regions

Goal of the event

The day before the ÖGA conference starts the preconference “Evaluation of Gender Equality in Rural Development Programmes” and the workshop of the “Research network on Economic Experiments for the CAP” (REECAP) take place. The keynotes of these two events are:

  • Angela Wroblewski (Institute for Advanced Studies, AT) “Gleichstellung messbar machen – Zugänge, Anforderungen und Herausforderungen der Evaluation von Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen”
  • Elke-Anette Schmidt (Landesfrauenrat Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rostock, DE) „Gleichstellung im ELER zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit – ein Praxisbericht aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern“

  • Kent Messer (CBEAR - Center for Behavioral & Experimental Agri-Environmental Research and University of Dalaware, USA) “Applying Behavioral and Experimental Economics to U.S. Agri-Environmental Programs: Benefits, Challenges, & Lessons Learned”
  • Malika Kacimi ( INJEP - Fond d'Expérimentation pour la Jeunesse, Institut National de la Jeunesse et de l’Education Populaire, FR) Axel Sonntag (Insight Austria and Vienna Center for Experimental Economics)

For more detailed information please visit the conference webpage

Location of the event

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)
