
Education offensive

Topic area
Agriculture and forestry, incl. value chain
Environment, biodiversity, nature conservation
Climate protection and climate change

Disaggregation level
Education & lifelong learning
Equal opportunity
Energy efficiency
Renewable energy
Climate protection
Climate change adaptation
Environmental protection
Short supply chains
Value added
Knowledge transfer

Project region
Lower Austria
Upper Austria

LE– Programming Period
LE 14–20

Project period
1.1.2017-31.12.2018 (geplantes Projektende)

EN - 1.2.1. b) Demonstrationsvorhaben und Informationsmaßnahmen - Forstwirtschaft

Project initiator
LFI Österreich

Short description

With the constantly increasing abundance of information and newly generated knowledge, it is difficult to keep an overview. Transferring information and providing knowledge, interlinked and agreed with the main forest organisations, offers the greatest possible added value for the target group of forest owners. With the information campaign " 2.0" both educational products and information documents are prepared according to the target group and made available free of charge.

Sensitising and raising the awareness of the target group for the importance of active forest management in connection with climate change and the related forestry challenges, consequences and impacts on the forest is in the forefront. By educating forest owners about the importance of active forest management and increased wood use, the aim is to motivate them to maintain their forests and make them resilient to climate change.

Point of departure

The demands on the Austrian forest and its functions are as varied as the forest ecosystem itself. Our forests provide renewable raw materials and jobs, protection against natural hazards, clean air and clean water on the same area. At the same time, they serve as a unique living, recreational and natural space. The current changes in society, climate and politics pput additional demands on the forest, its owners and managers.

The aim is to inform and educate the public about the sustainable potential of their forests. They must be sensitised to the topic of "forests and climate change" and supported in their efforts to make their " ".

Forests have great potential to mitigate the global increase in CO2 concentration and temperature rise. This potential lies in the carbon sequestration function of forest biomass and wood products as well as in the replacement of fossil fuels by renewable energy sources and the replacement of CO2-intensive building materials such as steel and concrete.

Mitigating climate change, reducing CO2 emissions, increasing the share of renewable energies and preserving and promoting biodiversity cannot be achieved by "taking forests out of use", but only through active management. Wilderness concepts cannot function in a cultural landscape, as otherwise the balance of forest functions with regard to wood use, protection against natural hazards and welfare- and recreational effects would be tipped.

Targets and target groups

- Higher qualification through education

- Knowledge of the significance of climate change and its consequences for forests

- Knowledge of the actual potential of the forest

- Knowledge about the economic factor of forests and their effects

- Information about current and innovative innovations

- Additional value added from the forest

- Promotion of regional added value and competitiveness

- Increase in value added through active forest management

- First and foremost forest owners

- Persons active in forestry such as forest educators, forest supervisors, forest helpers, consultants, multipliers

- The general public is intended to be reached by multipliers.

Project implementation and measures

1. information magazine for active forest management "Waldverband aktuell" (8 issues in the project period - 4 issues per year, circulation about 65,000 copies, 32 pages). Each issue has a potential of 10 pages for education-relevant topics. The subject areas corresponding to the time of year can be adjusted and adapted according to requirements.

2. educational products on the topics:
- SB 2.1: Educational brochure "Bark beetles - prevention and control". Revision and updating of the technical contents as well as addition of new findings and methods from practice and science. The brochure is 20 pages long.

- LSB 2.2: Educational brochure "Wildgerechter Waldbau". On about 20 pages the essential basics and information for a silviculture appropriate to wild animal are processed. This includes topics such as afforestation, tree species, thinning and other measures that also promote biodiversity.

- LSB 2.3: Education folder "The small 1x1 of afforestation". or origins, are prepared in a simple and understandable way for forest owners.  In an 8-page educational folder, the most important (Austria-wide) basics for afforestation, such as not leaving lying in the blazing sun, are presented in a simple and understandable way.

3. educational information network "Leading enterprises in the Austrian forestry".
To identify and prepare a list of functioning practical examples of forestry (around 20 pilot enterprises) for various topics (figures, facts, data, image documentation, etc.). The results will be collected in a database and made available in a clear form.


4. Study "Educational behaviour and needs in Forestry

Analysis of previous forestry education and consulting offers and products. Analysis of benefits, satisfaction and improvement potential of educational and consulting products. Survey of future needs (main topics) of forest education and consulting products from the point of view of potential "customers".