die PillerseeTaler

Celebrities for the region

Topic area
Basic services, Leader, municipalities

Disaggregation level

Project region

Local Action Group (LAG)
LAG Regionalmanagement regio³ Pillerseetal-Leukental-Leogang

LE– Programming Period
LE 07–13

Project period

Project initiator
Pillerseetal Regionalentwicklungs-GmbH

LE 07-13 information

Themenbereich (Untergliederung): Leader (Jugend, Sonstiges)
LAG (lokale Aktionsgruppe): Regionalentwicklung Pillerseetal-Leogang
Maßnahme: M413

Short description

The project “die PillerseeTaler” is the follow-up of the location marketing project. The marketing initiative aimed at positioning the location inside; with the “PillerseeTaler”, promotion targets people from outside the Pillerseetal (Pillersee Valley).

Famous people from the Pillerseetal present and promote the region. The initiative started with sportspersons from the Pillerseetal. Although the valley has only 12,500 inhabitants, the Pillerseetal has with Romed Baumann, Fritz Pinter, Dominik Landertinger, Markus Bader, and Katharina Smutna exceptional athletes in alpine skiing, cross-country skiing and biathlon. As these types of sport represent also core competences of the tourism region, the approach creates numerous useful synergies. Whether in press releases, in interviews of the Austrian Broadcasting Agency (ORF) or at events in Austria and abroad: Thanks to these persons also the Pillerseetal is always mentioned and maintains a strong presence.

In the future also other cele

Targets and target groups

Strengthening the presence of the region from outside.

Project implementation and measures

Targeted press conferences, press clips, video and online films, active print advertising and media promotion always in connection with the Pillerseetal.